Could you be grinding your teeth at night? Studies show that nighttime grinding, also known as sleep bruxism, affects about 10% of the population. Sleep bruxism can lead to uncomfortable consequences, like serious muscle soreness and even headaches, in the days and weeks to follow. Many people are unaware that they are grinding their teeth […]
April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month
Early detection of oral cancer can decrease morbidity and increase long-term survival. Your oral cancer screening doesn’t require any special preparation. Oral cancer screening is performed yearly during your hygiene visit with Dr. Hansen, Dr. Tseng and the hygiene team. Rest assured we have many eyes on the lookout for anything unusual. During an oral […]
Oral Health – Gum Disease
WHAT IS ORAL HEALTH? Oral health refers to the health of your mouth, including your teeth, gums, jaw and bacteria. Excellent oral health is necessary for total body wellness to be achieved – it is impossible to have a healthy body without a healthy mouth. Currently, there are over 50 diseases related to oral health. […]
Tips & Tricks To Get The Most From Your Invisalign Clear Aligners
These Invisalign tips can help you improve your treatment success and make the treatment process as easy and comfortable as possible. WEAR YOUR ALIGNERS! The biggest mistake you can make is simply failing to wear your aligners as often as you should. The goal is to get in 22 hours per day, removing them only […]
Benefits of Invisalign Palo Alto
Invisalign has emerged as a near-perfect solution for repositioning wayward and improperly spaced teeth. The merits of Invisalign treatment extend beyond merely producing a gorgeous smile. Invisalign aligners promote optimal oral health, can be removed with ease, and allow you to eat the foods you love. Let’s take a closer look at the numerous benefits […]
Gum Disease and COVID-19
It’s no secret that patients have been scared to enter the dentist’s office during COVID-19 due to all the tiny particles that can fly through the air. For people with gum issues however, getting a cleaning could actually save their lives. A new study finds patients with gum disease who contract COVID-19 are an alarming […]
5 Tips for Calming Your Dental Anxiety
Missing dental appointments due to phobias not only can prolong your dental discomfort, but it can also add to your anxiety because you may feel guilty for missing dental offices. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you relax so you can get the care you need. Having an open dialogue with your […]
Break Bad Dental Habits This Year
Chewing Your Nails This nervous habit can chip teeth and impact your jaw. Placing your jaw in a protruding position for long periods of time can place pressure on it, which is associated with jaw dysfunction. Solution: Stress reduction and holding something to keep your fingers busy if certain situations are triggering. Brushing Too Hard […]
Brushing at certain times of the day does have an impact on your oral heath. Brushing your teeth at night prevents food particles from sitting on our teeth which contributes to tooth decay over time. Brushing teeth in the morning fights bad breath and decay. It is recommended that you brush right after consuming foods […]
Why You Should Visit Your Dentist This Winter Season
Whatever your December festivities look like, Palo Alto dentist, Dr. Hansen want to make sure you keep your oral health a priority even during all the holiday hustle and bustle. This time of year is actually an ideal time to schedule one of your bi-annual dental check-ups and here are some reasons why! Winter Travel […]