Whatever your December festivities look like, Palo Alto dentist, Dr. Hansen want to make sure you keep your oral health a priority even during all the holiday hustle and bustle. This time of year is actually an ideal time to schedule one of your bi-annual dental check-ups and here are some reasons why!

Winter Travel Plans

If you plan on taking a winter vacation, coordinating one of your bi-annual dental visits with your trip will allow for you to voice any concerns you might have, and your Palo Alto dentist can look for any signs of issues that could interrupt your get away. Not getting a check-up before your vacation can allow problems to go undiagnosed and lead to bigger, more complicated dental emergency that could ruin travel plans.

Flu Season is Here

If your body is busy fighting dental issues – even small cavities – your immune system can become compromised. Keeping up to date on regular dental visits and cleanings from Palo Alto dentist, Dr. Hansen, will help ensure your immune system is ready to keep you healthy during this flu season. If you find yourself battling a sickness this season chances are you taking over the counter medicines or cough drops. These remedies commonly contain large amounts of high fructose corn syrup which can have very damaging effects on your tooth enamel. Make sure that part of your healing and recovery routine includes keeping your oral health a priority.

Greet the New Year With a Smile!

You would be surprised at all the benefits improving your oral health routine can have on your daily life and overall wellness. Schedule a check-up with Palo Alto dentist, Dr. Hansen to get a clear understanding of the goals you should set for the new year. Our team will give you the best advice to help improve your overall oral health as well as help ensure a healthy 2020!

If you or a loved one has been putting off a dental visit, winter may be the best time to get back on track. Call 650-326-3290 to schedule an appointment with Palo Alto dentist, Dr. Hansen today!