1. Masks are no longer required to enter medical and dental offices.

    As always we will have masks available for you if you arrive to your appointment and would like one.

  2. Seating areas will maintain social distancing in the reception area.
  3. Removal of magazines and items that can harbor or transfer germs of any kind.
  4. Providing more educational materials to enhance your awareness of health issues related to this pandemic.
  5. An antiseptic oral pre-rinse by all patients to reduce exposure to germs.
  6. Payment arrangements in advance to avoid delay and allow contact-less exit from the appointment.
  7. Enhanced operatory disinfection procedures of all surfaces between patients.
  8. Ambient air management with HEPA air filtration continuously throughout the office to remove germs from circulating air.
  9. Enhanced operatory disinfection procedures before and after all appointments with mist or fogging devices to access hard to reach places that can be easily missed.
  10. New personal protection equipment like face shields, gowns, and masks for our doctors and team to provide barriers against the smallest of germs.
  11. New protocols and equipment to reduce or eliminate airborne aerosols during all dental procedures.
  12. Enhanced nightly disinfection procedures of equipment and office fixtures like computers, keyboards, telephones, tablets, chairs, doorknobs, and buttons that may be touched unconsciously.
  13. Longer appointment times for you to prepare and our team to complete all appointment tasks and duties most safely and comprehensively.
  14. Providing teledentistry services for follow up lab reports or communication that can be done online or through video education.